Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Rare Knowledge to Conjure the Jinn King

Precaution: I have no liability on what may happen when the conjurer proceeds with the instructions on how to conjure the Jinn King.

To purchase the Jinn King ritual you will need to conjuration at night that can be only done once a month. This conjuration will take around 5 hours to do in the night. It is arduous but it will pay off. You have to be strong when he comes to you.

The price for this RARE knowledge is $500.

It is not cheap and not something to play around with. I advise everyone to be strong hearted and be patient.

I will only accept a cashier's check or money order.

Steps in order to purchase the ritual:

1. Email me at
2. I will ask you certain questions
3. Then after your answers have been read, I will determine if you are worthy
4. I will then give you an address where the money can be sent to

Note: Jinns are not something for the weak heart and mind.

Who Are the Jinn?

The Jinn or Genie for the Alladin fans is a smokeless entity created by God. It has many powers that we humans do not possess.


1. Swift movement from one place to another
2. Smokeless body, so it is invisible to the naked eye
3. Strength
4. Shapes and forms that are different from our bodies
5. Transform into human beings or animals

They are what people would say, "ghosts". What people experience as poltergeists in their homes are jinns. They can be either good or bad. They do have their own lives in their dimension. There are methods to contact them which some are very dangerous to do.

Any more information regarding the jinn can be emailed to

Welcome To Rare Knowledge of Jinn

In my blog you will have the experience to obtain RARE jinn (genie) knowledge. This knowledge will enable you to contact the Jinn King. This is hard to come by. In my blog you will learn all about the jinn world.

The benefits:

1. Rare knowledge on how to contact the Jinn King
2. Information of the Jinn world
3. A new insight of what the world contains besides us human beings

Stay in tuned for further information.